St. Arsenios the Cappadocian (1840–1924) was the spiritual father of Elder Paisios’ family. He baptized Elder Paisios as an infant. Throughout his life Elder Paisios had great love and reverence for the memory of St. Arsenios, and it was out of this love that he compiled the book “Saint Arsenios the Cappadocian” which provides us with the details of his life.

St. Arsenios pastored his Greek Orthodox flock amidst extremely difficult conditions. He lived with his people in the village of Farasa in Cappadocia, which after 1453 had fallen into the hands of the Muslim Turks. Under the harsh yoke of the Turks, the Greek people of Farasa formed an oasis of Orthodox Christianity. They sought refuge in holy St. Arsenios, who was their teacher, their spiritual father, and the healer of their souls and bodies. His reputation as a healer was so great that not only Greek Christians but also Turkish Muslims came to him for healing. Many times his village was threatened with violence from marauding Turks, but each time it was preserved in a miraculous way by St. Arsenios. The accounts in this book, which were taken down by Elder Paisios from eyewitnesses, testify to how powerfully God works through His holy ones, and to how lovingly He cares for and protects His children amidst adversity.
Since 1970, many apparitions and miracles have occurred near his holy relics, which reside in the Monastery of Souroti near Thessalonica. He was officially glorified by the Patriarchate of Constantinople in 1986.
Saint Arsenios used to use the Psalms for blessings, especially when there was no prescribed blessing for a particular occasion. Here in Part One is the correspondence between the psalms and different occasions. The original Greek list can be found in -O Geron Paisios- by the Hieromonk Christodoulos, Agion Oros, 1994.
The exact reasoning behind the saint’s choice of a particular psalm for a given need is not always obvious; perhaps this is by design, to encourage close reflection on the words. Orthodoxy is not magic, and a document like this one is not an endorsement of “peasant superstition”; it is rather a channel through which the Love of God can enter into every aspect of human society.

Psalm 1: When a tree or a vine is planted, so that it may bring forth fruit.
Psalm 2: So that God illumines those who go to meetings and councils.
Psalm 3: So that badness goes away from people, so that they do not torment unjustly their fellows.
Psalm 4: So that God heals the sensitive people who fell ill from depression because of the behaviour of hard-hearted people.
Psalm 5: So that God heals the wounded eyes that were bitten by a bad person.
Psalm 6: So that God frees the person who has been under a spell.
Psalm 7: For those who got damaged from fear, from the terrors and the intimidations of bad people.
Psalm 8: For those who have been harmed by demons or by deceitful people.
Psalm 9: So that the demons stop tormenting you in sleep or with fancies during the day.
Psalm 10: For spouses with hardened hearts, who argue and separate. (When the harsh one unjustly torments the sensitive one)
Psalm 11: For the madmen, who are also wicked and harm people.
Psalm 12: For those suffering from liver ailments.
Psalm 13: For the expulsion of the terrifying demon. (Three times a day, for three days)
Psalm 14: That thieves may change their intent and return unsuccessful and repentant.
Psalm 15: To find the key when it has been lost.
Psalm 16: For great slander. (Three times a day, for three days)
Psalm 17: When there is an earthquake or calamity, floodwaters, and lightning.
Psalm 18: For mothers to be delivered during their childbirth. (Note: to give birth easily)
Psalm 19: For spouses who cannot have children due to an infirmity, that God may heal them and they may not separate.
Psalm 20: That God may soften the hearts of the rich, to give alms to the poor.
Psalm 21: That God may prevent fires, so that no harm is done.
Psalm 22: That God may tame restless and disobedient children who sadden their parents.
Psalm 23: To open the door when the key is lost.
Psalm 24: For people whom the devil envies greatly and constantly places obstacles in their lives, leading them to quarrel.
Psalm 25: When someone asks something good from God, that He may grant it without causing harm.
Psalm 26: That God may protect villagers from enemy armies, so they do not harm people and plunder their households.
Psalm 27: That God may heal those suffering from neurasthenia and all those who suffer from nervous disorders.
Psalm 28: For those who suffer from seasickness and fear during great storms.
Psalm 29: For those who are in danger far away, among barbaric and unbelieving peoples, that God may guard them, and enlighten and soften those peoples, so they may come to know God.
Psalm 30: That God may bless the crops and the fruit of the trees, especially when the weather is not favourable.
Psalm 31: For travellers to find their way when they are lost and struggling.
Psalm 32: That God may reveal the truth concerning those unjustly imprisoned, so they may be freed.
Psalm 33: For those in the throes of death, when tormented by demons at the hour of death, or for enemy armies when they threaten to cross borders to cause harm.
Psalm 34: That God may deliver kind-hearted people from the snares of deceitful men who mock God’s people.
Psalm 35: To completely erase enmity following disputes or misunderstandings.
Psalm 36: For people deeply wounded by the crimes of evildoers.
Psalm 37: When your jaws hurt due to decayed teeth.
Psalm 38: That abandoned and unfortunate people may find work, so they do not despair.
Psalm 39: To restore love between bosses and employees when misunderstandings arise.
Psalm 40: For mothers to be delivered during childbirth, especially in cases of premature birth.
Psalm 41: For young people who fall ill from love, when someone is hurt and becomes saddened.
Psalm 42: For the liberation of those enslaved in the dungeons of enemy nations.
Psalm 43: That God may reveal the truth to spouses who are in disagreement, so they may reconcile.
Psalm 44: For people suffering from heart or kidney ailments.
Psalm 45: For young people whom the enemy prevents from starting a family (getting married).
Psalm 46: To calm a servant or slave when they flee emotionally wounded from their master and to help them find work.
Psalm 47: When great disasters and looting occur by bands of barbaric pirates. (To be read continuously for 40 days).
Psalm 48: For those engaged in hazardous work.
Psalm 49: For lost souls to repent and return to God for salvation.
Psalm 50: When, due to our sins, God’s pedagogical wrath descends (in the form of epidemics causing illness and death among people or animals).
Psalm 51: That hardened-hearted rulers may repent and become merciful, so they do not oppress the people.
Psalm 52: That God may bless the fishing nets to be filled with fish.
Psalm 53: That God may enlighten wealthy individuals who have purchased slaves, prompting them to set them free.
Psalm 54: To restore the good name of a family that has been slandered.
Psalm 55: For sensitive individuals who have been emotionally wounded by their peers.
Psalm 56: For those suffering from headaches due to excessive sorrow.
Psalm 57: That God may guide things working for good to their proper end, preventing any cunning works of demons or envious people.
Psalm 58: For the mute, that God may grant them speech.
Psalm 59: That God may reveal the truth when a multitude of people are falsely accused.
Psalm 60: For those who find work burdensome, either due to laziness or fear.
Psalm 61: That God may relieve the weak-spirited person from trials, one who lacks patience and complains.
Psalm 62: For the fields and trees to bear fruit when there is a lack of water.
Psalm 63: When a person is bitten by a wolf or a rabid dog. (The Saint would also give them blessed water to drink.)
Psalm 64: That merchants may receive blessings, so they do not deceive and wrong the simple people.
Psalm 65: That the cunning one may not bring misfortunes into homes and sadden families.
Psalm 66: That birds (bird farms) may be blessed.
Psalm 67: That mothers who struggle (suffer) in childbirth, especially when they experience complications, may be relieved.
Psalm 68: When disasters occur, and rivers overflow, sweeping away homes and people.
Psalm 69: For sensitive individuals who get saddened by the slightest thing and become despondent, that God may strengthen them.
Psalm 70: For the forsaken people who become burdened due to the envy of the devil and fall into despair, that they may find help and protection from God.
Psalm 71: That God may bless the new harvest that peasants have brought into their homes.
Psalm 72: That the evildoers may repent.
Psalm 73: That God may protect the peasants working in their fields when enemies surround the village.
Psalm 74: That the barbaric master may become gentle and not torment his fellow men, the workers.
Psalm 75: For the mother who fears childbirth, that God may strengthen and protect her.
Psalm 76: When there is no understanding between parents and children, that God may enlighten them so the children obey their parents, and the parents show love.
Psalm 77: That God may enlighten those who lend, so they do not oppress their fellow men for their debt and be merciful.
Psalm 78: That God may protect villages from looting and disasters by enemy armies.
Psalm 79: That God may heal the person when their face swells and their entire head aches.
Psalm 80: That God may care for the poor, who are deprived and grieve because of their lack and bitterness.
Psalm 81: That people may buy the products of peasants, so they do not become sad and bitter.
Psalm 82: That God may prevent wicked people who intend to commit murder.
Psalm 83: That God may preserve all the household goods, animals, and products of the producers.
Psalm 84: That God may heal those who were injured by robbers and suffered due to fear.
Psalm 85: That God may deliver the world when cholera comes and people die.
Psalm 86: That God may extend the lives of family men who still have family obligations.
Psalm 87: That God may protect all the defenseless people who are tormented by their merciless fellow men.
Psalm 88: That God may strengthen the sickly and weak people to be able to work without getting tired and saddened.
Psalm 89: That God may provide rain when there is drought or when wells dry up, to bring forth water.
Psalm 90: That the devil may perish when he appears to man and terrifies him.
Psalm 91: That God may grant wisdom to people, so they may grow spiritually.
Psalm 92: That God may protect the ship when it is endangered by a strong storm at sea. (Also, sprinkle holy water in the four corners of the ship.)
Psalm 93: That God may enlighten the disorderly people who cause problems to the nation and disturb the people, tormenting them with chaos and enemies.
Psalm 94: To prevent spells from approaching married couples and causing problems and misunderstandings.
Psalm 95: That God may grant hearing to the deaf.
Psalm 96: To ward off spells from people.
Psalm 97: That God may comfort the saddened people, so they do not grieve excessively.
Psalm 98: That God may bless and fill with Grace the young people who wish to dedicate themselves to Him.
Psalm 99: That God may bless and fulfil the divine desires of people.
Psalm 100: That God may grant charisms to the benefactors, so they can help their fellow men.
Psalm 101: That God may bless those in high positions, so they can assist the world with kindness and understanding.
Psalm 102: For the menstrual cycle (in women) to come when it’s delayed.
Psalm 103: That God may bless the goods of the people, so they are not deprived and do not grieve, but rather glorify God.
Psalm 104: That people may repent and confess their sins.
Psalm 105: That God may enlighten people, so they do not stray from the path of salvation.
Psalm 106: That God may lift the barrenness (infertility) of women.
Psalm 107: That God may humble the enemies, so they change their evil intentions. (To be read 7 times a day, for 7 days).
Psalm 108: That God may heal the lunatics or have mercy on the false witnesses, so they may repent.
Psalm 109: That the younger ones may show respect to their elders.
Psalm 110: That unjust judges may repent and judge the people of God with righteousness.
Psalm 111: That God may protect the soldiers when they go to war.
Psalm 112: That God may bless the poor widow, so she can pay her debts and escape from prison. (To be read 3 times a day, for 3 days).
Psalm 113: That God may heal children with mental delays and Down syndrome.
Psalm 114: That God may bless and comfort the unfortunate poor children, so they are not despised by the children of the wealthy and become saddened.
Psalm 115: That God may heal the terrifying passion of lying.
Psalm 116: That families may maintain love and harmony among them and glorify God.
Psalm 117: That God may humble the barbarians when they surround the village and threaten it, and turn away their evil intentions. (To be read 3 times a day, for seven days).
Psalm 118: That God may strike the barbarians and humble their pride when they slaughter innocent women and children. (To be read 3 times a day, for 7 days).
Psalm 119: That God may grant patience and tolerance to people who are forced to be with cunning and unjust individuals.
Psalm 120: That God may protect the slaves from hostile hands, so that no harm comes to them until they are freed.
Psalm 121: That God may heal those who suffer from the evil eye.
Psalm 122: That God may give sight to the blind and heal the sick eyes.
Psalm 123: That God may protect people from snakes, so they are not bitten.
Psalm 124: That God may guard the properties of the righteous from wicked people.
Psalm 125: That God may heal those who constantly suffer from headaches.
Psalm 126: That God may bring peace to the family when there are disputes.
Psalm 127: That the wickedness of the enemy may never approach homes and that God’s peace and blessing remain in the family.
Psalm 128: That God may heal those who suffer from migraines and headaches and have mercy on those with hardened hearts and lack of discernment, who sadden the sensitive ones.
Psalm 129: That God may give courage and hope to beginners, so they do not become burdened in their work.
Psalm 130: That God may grant people repentance and comfort with hope, so they may be saved.
Psalm 131: That God may have mercy on the world when, because of our sins, wars constantly arise.
Psalm 132: That God may enlighten the nations to become friends and bring peace to the people.
Psalm 133: That God may protect people from any danger.
Psalm 134: That people may gather during prayer times and unite their minds with God.
Psalm 135: That God may protect the refugees when they leave their homes and flee to escape from barbarians.
Psalm 136: That God may strengthen the person with an unstable character.
Psalm 137: That God may enlighten the local leaders so that people may find understanding for their requests.
Psalm 138: That the devil may cease to tempt sensitive people with blasphemous thoughts.
Psalm 139: That God may tame the quarrelsome family man who torments his entire family.
Psalm 130: That God may grant people repentance and comfort with hope, so they may be saved.
Psalm 131: That God may have mercy on the world when, because of our sins, wars constantly arise.
Psalm 132: That God may enlighten the nations to become friends and bring peace to the people.
Psalm 133: That God may protect people from any danger.
Psalm 134: That people may gather during prayer times and unite their minds with God.
Psalm 135: That God may protect the refugees when they leave their homes and flee to escape from barbarians.
Psalm 136: That God may strengthen the person with an unstable character.
Psalm 137: That God may enlighten the local leaders so that people may find understanding for their requests.
Psalm 138: That the devil may cease to tempt sensitive people with blasphemous thoughts.
Psalm 139: That God may tame the quarrelsome family man who torments his entire family.
Psalm 140: That God may tame the barbaric leader of the place, who torments his fellow men.
Psalm 141: That God may tame the rebel who does evil.
Psalm 142: That God may protect the mother during pregnancy so she doesn’t miscarry (i.e., have a spontaneous abortion or premature birth).
Psalm 143: That God may calm the disturbed people, so there is no civil war.
Psalm 144: That God may bless the works of men, so they are pleasing to God.
Psalm 145: That God may stop people’s hemorrhages.
Psalm 146: That God may heal those who have been struck and injured in the jaw by evil men.
Psalm 147: That God may tame the wild animals of the mountain, so they do not harm people and damage crops.
Psalm 148: That God may provide favorable weather, so people have an abundance of crops and praise God.
Psalm 149: In gratitude and thanks to God for His great acts of kindness and for His boundless love, which is patient with us (Saint Paisios of Mount Athos).
Psalm 150: That God may give joy and comfort to our estranged brothers who are abroad, and to our departed brothers who are in a more distant foreign land. Amen. (Saint Paisios of Mount Athos).